Google Chrome, Javascript, NodeJS, Opera

Video – Memory Management Masterclass with Addy Osmani

Really good video on managing memory using Google Chrome Dev Tools.
From YouTube:Published on Sep 2, 2014

Addy is a senior engineer on the Chrome web engineering team, focusing on tools to help improve developer productivity and satisfaction. He works on Polymer – a Web Component library, is the the lead engineer on Yeoman and Web Starter Kit and regularly writes about web application architecture and the front-end. Outside of Google, Addy enjoys both hacking on open-source projects like TodoMVC and Grunt-UnCSS. He has authored books on JavaScript design patterns and frameworks.

Efficient JavaScript webapps need to be fluid and fast. Any app with significant user interaction needs to consider how to effectively keep memory usage down because if too much is consumed, a page might be killed, forcing the user to reload it and cry in a corner. Automatic garbage collection isn’t a substitute for effective memory management, especially in large, long-running web apps. In this talk we’ll walk through how to master the Chrome DevTools for effective memory management. Learn how to tackle performance issues like memory leaks, frequent garbage collection pauses, and overall memory bloat that can really drag you down.

CEH, Javascript, Links, NodeJS

Link – Node nmap: Scan a network for computers using nmap

Jason Gerfen wrote a package for using nmap with node.js if you’re interested.

“This is a Node.js module that can scan a network for computers using nmap.

It uses the nmap program to either discover local computers in the same network address range or scan a network of remote computers within a given range.

It outputs a listing of details computers found including IP addresses as well opened ports that were found.”
