CEH, Javascript, Links, NodeJS

Link – Node nmap: Scan a network for computers using nmap

Jason Gerfen wrote a package for using nmap with node.js if you’re interested.

From jsclasses.org:
“This is a Node.js module that can scan a network for computers using nmap.

It uses the nmap program to either discover local computers in the same network address range or scan a network of remote computers within a given range.

It outputs a listing of details computers found including IP addresses as well opened ports that were found.”

Codeigniter, Links, PHP

TinyImageManager for CodeIgniter

If you use the TinyMCE Image Manager and CodeIgniter together, this class can save you a bit of work.

This package can handle TinyMCE Image Manager image uploads using CodeIgniter.
It is a port of the TinyMCE image manager plugin to integrate it with CodeIgniter framework.
This class was originally written by Andrey Antonov.
-Pablo Matias Perrone”

